
Art for Your Home: What the New Normal Demands

A common trend during the pandemic has been home remodeling. For the past year, people have been forced to adapt to a work-from-home setup, and it has been a different experience for most. What’s different this time around is that we’re all going through the same thing. Re-creating a suitable work environment at home can be a challenge. How would you like your remote office experience to be? Will a simple Spartan style be enough to foster motivation and creativity?

Being in the same four-walled space for the whole day can feel like a prison sentence. Aesthetics and design can not only brighten your home but can also foster motivation and creativity. Once you hit that mental wall, you would find that your design choices could help you get through that tough report you have to send in an hour. Since we’ll be spending more time at home, we only need to put more thought into how we design our space.

Art as Thought and Work Inspiration

Spruce up your home with some design pieces. Working from home does not mean having to adapt that office chic. Remember how you would decorate your cubicle at work? Think of your new home office as that cubicle when you start remodeling. Add some life to your new space. If you come around to miss the family, put out some pictures of your loved ones. You can only set up a video call with them for so long.

Lacking motivation? Display some of your favorite quotes or lyrics. Feeling down and monotonous? Splash some color onto your walls. According to studies, being in a bright environment may lighten up your day. Bring in a plant inside. An additional living thing inside wouldn’t hurt. Hang up an abstract piece of art that makes you go wonder. Being lost in thought is not a bad thing.

Art as Window to the Outside World


For busy individuals, your home was just a place to rest your head. Between going to the office, hanging out with friends at the local pub, and traveling to our favorite destinations, we rarely spent a lot of time just being home. Having a nice view outside your window is an awesome perk, but it is doubtful that many people have those. With the time we spend at home now, how we re-design has become a necessity. Designate home spaces with themes.

Make traveling your motivation as something you’ll do once the pandemic is over. If you start missing that country bed and breakfast or cabin you like going to in the spring, install barnwood flooring panels and get some antique Victorian lamps and a matching accent chair. Reimagine yourself relaxing in those cozy places you love. Do you miss going on dates in galleries and museums? Hang up some unique art pieces that break the monotony of staying at home. Travel plans got cut short due to the pandemic? Motivate yourself by displaying photos or items of places you want to go to. Even looking at past travel photos can be used as inspiration for motivation and creativity.

Art as a Reality Shaper

People have begun to look at space differently. Renovating space has been a popular move amongst the bored. The space we had before was supposed to be enough, but with more things we have to get done at home, it has become woefully inadequate.  The number of people doing home extensions and additions has jumped by the multitudes during the pandemic. More and more people have found a need to re-evaluate the space they need at home. With facilities closed, people have found a need of designating spaces for each activity.

Space has been repurposed for the home gym, workspaces, and even classrooms. Each with a designated purpose must have its own theme to help you to adapt to the function of each.  Redesigning that space has taken priority in people’s homes. Different designs and pieces will help you motivate yourself for each purpose. Unused spaces like attics, basements, sheds, or garages have become prime real estate. Dreamt of having that corner office at work? Why not convert that unused space and let your imagination run wild?

Let yourself be confident in being alone. Use your own unique creativity to inspire and motivate you. Let your environment reflect your passion and dreams. Art and design can be your medium in adapting to the new normal. Art makes life more manageable, tolerable, and enjoyable.

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