Guests throwing confetti over bride and groom

Post-Wedding Blues: Ways to Prevent or Overcome Them

Any person who’s ever experienced looking forward to a big and exciting event in their lives surely knows what immediately follows next. Whether it’s an overseas vacation, a huge holiday or a concert of your all-time favorite artist, the good times will eventually come to an end, and this is when post-event depression begins.

Take weddings, for example. You’ve spent many months, possibly even a couple of years, planning your big event. You choose your dress, venue, and even a wedding videography company to hire. And when it finally comes, everything feels like magic, and then it’s time to go home.

Instead of drowning in pure wedding bliss, you see yourself feeling a little gloomy. If this is what you’re feeling right now, know that you’re not alone. Feelings of depression after weddings are a lot more common than anyone may imagine, especially during the first year of marriage.

According to studies, one in every ten newly married women experience some sort of post-wedding blues, and this eventually contributes to the increasing number of couples seeking counseling to find a solution. Here are a few things you can do to address this problem:

1. Make plans beyond your wedding.

When preparing your folder for wedding inspiration, including a few fun and relaxing pictures of upcoming trips, interesting recipes and simple date night ideas you can have with your husband on a separate post-wedding folder.

While it’s true that everyone may face a period of loneliness after a wedding, you may be able to lessen it and turn into excitement if you have something fun to look forward to.

2. Know that a wedding is entirely different from marriage.

Take a moment to reassess your thoughts if you realize that you’ve been too much into the wedding planning process and not into building a stronger relationship as life partners. Talk to your significant other and make specific plans about what you both expect to do after the wedding.

While celebrating weddings is a wonderful time, it’s more important to think about what’s going to happen next. Focus on what it truly means to be married, and make the right changes to your lifestyle as a couple. Simple transitions like decorating a room in your house together or planning a short weekend trip are a good start.

3. Consider the benefits of premarital counseling.

Groom and bride kissing during their wedding
Don’t let the idea of getting premarital counseling scare you before you say your vows. Before your wedding, one of the important things you can discuss is post-wedding blues.

You’ll be able to take a proactive step in making sure your relationship gets stronger when you talk to professionals like premarital counselors. This is an ideal avenue for couples to communicate their feelings properly and solve problems, make compromises, and address future issues as they move forward as life partners.

Finally, don’t let the idea fully consume you. Have a couple of days when you never discuss anything related to your wedding or marriage. Let this be your break and the perfect chance to balance your focus and see other important things you might be missing.

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