
Why Should You Consider Writing Children’s Stories

Children’s book authors get a lot of flak for writing children’s literature. Many people don’t even think of it as a real job. They look down on these writers as if they are not at par with other literary greats. But there’s a reason Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss are popular children’s book authors. Their works have been passed down from one generation to another. Children as young as two read their books repeatedly.

Writing children’s books is not lesser than writing adult literature. You can be a children’s book self-publishing author. Consider looking for a team of publishers and marketers who can guide you through the publishing world without handing over the controls of your creative work. Self-publishing is a great concept because you have the freedom to dictate how you want your book to be marketed. Start small and eventually you’ll discover the right niche for you.

Revisiting Childhood Memories

a child reading

Writing children’s stories is definitely cheaper than seeking therapy. If you have ever felt anxious or depressed, maybe try to remember good things during your childhood days. Put these memories into stories. You never know what you can come up with. You can write about anything. You can even write about the bad things and turn these into lessons for young readers. The best thing about writing for kids is that you are also writing for yourself. These are your memories, experiences, and dreams.

Children’s Books Get Read More

A study shows that the love for reading peaks when people are in fifth grade. The largest growth in the publishing world has been recorded in the children and young adult category. Readers between the ages of 8 and 12 begin their love for reading. And while they may lose this passion when they grow older, it is also impossible for kids these ages not to be enamored with children’s stories—yes, even in this digital age.

Writing Children’s Books Can Earn a Decent Living

Well, not right away, of course. You need to publish five to 10 books before you start earning a living. It’s also hard to get parents to buy your books, but libraries and schools are far easier to impress. They usually buy in bulk for their readers. If you get an award or two, that makes the process easier. You should also strive to be a part of a recommended list of a parent-blogger or other book review authors.

The Niche Is Quite Welcoming

Sure, it’s still a dog-eat-dog-world in this side of the publishing industry, but it’s not as cutthroat as the adult genre. You can attend different symposiums, conferences, and seminars to meet authors, editors, and literary agents. Attending these events will get you a feel of this industry you want to join. You can learn a lot from these writers and editors. They usually can’t wait to welcome you into their fold. Of course, there’s an online community for children’s writers as well.

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing kids lose themselves in your stories. Have you ever had “success” feeding your own children or nieces or nephews with vegetables? Now, triple that feeling. That’s how it feels to see kids read your books. When you see those silly smiles and curious looks on their faces, that’s when you know you have finally broken the wall.

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